The Our Maker Life (OML) community consists of knitters, crocheters, yarn dyers, makers, business owners, pattern designers, bloggers, and social media influencers who are dedicated to creating handmade items. What began as an idea to hop offline and meet up in person has grown into an international community of makers passionate about the fiber arts.

The mission: join together to network, connect, inspire and make.

Interested in being a part of our community? Want to volunteer at an upcoming event?

Love planning a good party? Let’s connect.

Current OML Team

Jewell Washington

OML Founder / Community Leader

Jewell has been part of Our Maker Life since day one and has continued to bring her passion for connection, community and creativity to the forefront of all she does, both at OML and through her design, blogging and knitfluencer work at and @northknits.

Hannah Howard

OML Board Member

Hannah has just joined the OML team in 2024 and looks forward to seeing the return of the great community and exciting events. She first attended Our Maker Life, Calgary, and shares Jewell’s passion for connection and sharing resources and information with others. You can follow her writing, photography and design work at or @hannahbelleknits.

Past OML Team Members

Anastasia Williams

OML Denver 2023 Consultant

Anastasia was able to help OML weather the pandemic and return to events in 2023 with OML Denver. She continues to run The Fiber Business Collective, a digital resource and membership for fiber industry businesses.

Nathan Bryant

OML Co-Founder

Nathan helped launch OML and has continued his work as a photographer and knitwear designer. You can follow him on Instagram @loopnthreads.

Kelly Brooks

OML Co-Founder

Kelly helped launch OML and now creates handmade crochet hooks for discerning makers from her home in Nova Scotia. You can follow her on Instagram @knitbrooks.

Alison Abbey

OML Co-Founder

Allison helped launch OML and currently runs a shop for maker goodies, patterns and more. Follow her on Instagram

Kathleen Jones

OML Co-Founder

Kathleen helped launch OML and has now left to focus on being a full-time mama and designer. Follow her on Instagram @country.pine.designs.

Jake Kenyon

Former Board Member

Jake brought great social growth and vision to OML thanks to his multifaceted experience within the maker space as a dyer, designer and artist. You can follow his current work on Instagram @venusandthecrab.

Christie Bodden

Former Board Member

Christie contributed great social growth and vision to OML during her time on the board and is currently working on finishing her nursing school education. You can follow her on Instagram @christieboddendesigns.